Saturday, July 28, 2007

An update on

Recently, I have been getting more spam than usual. Why this is, I am unsure. But as mentioned in the father article I wrote on, I suggested I would post an update if I noticed an increased amount of spam.

Some of the SPAM messages went as follows:

"Hello! I am bored this afternoon. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at only, because I am writing not from my personal email. If you would like to see my pictures."


"Hello! I am tired tonight. I am nice girl that would like to chat with you. Email me at only, because I am writing not from my personal email. If you would like to see some of my pictures."

There were more, and they all had titles similar to "Re: Pics," "Re: Pictures," and "Hi." Very generic, and typical spam subject messages.

I'm not saying this was definitely a result of submitting my email address to the Commerce Search Engine web site, but these messages did start coming up around the same time I allowed myself to submit my information to the search engine.

If you have signed up or do sign up on Commerce Search Engine, and you do or do not notice SPAM, especially if it's of the same type, please comment on this blog or contact me to share your experience with others. Together, we can better distinguish the credibility of the topic web site.


Anonymous said... appears to be a legitimate business directory.

I was also wary when I received their email several months ago, so I submitted a unique email address that I had never submitted to anyone else.

The only email I received to that unique email address was a confirmation from that my submission had been received, and that the directory may not be released until August. I received no spam to that email address.

The emails from did not fit the profile of being spam. They allowed me the opportunity to remove myself from their directory, and they did not request any confidential information.

I also hate to receive phishing emails, but this didn’t appear to be one of them.

p.s. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work!

Quecumber said...

Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm sure your post will help other users decide how to pursue this!

I am leaning towards being a legitimate business directory as well.

As far as the emails "not fit[ting] the profile of being spam," the part I found strange was that the email came out of the blue. The first person who commented on the original blog about this appears to state where emails may have been gathered from. I think that is legal.

Mary Wano said...

Thanks for this blog - I received the same email today. Still not sure if it's a spam register or not, but I'm doing some research right now.